How Do I Tp Someone To Me In Minecraft

How to TP someone to you in Minecraft - Quora

How to Teleport Someone to You in Minecraft

Have you ever found yourself stranded in a distant corner of your Minecraft world, desperately wishing you could bring someone to you in an instant?

Whether you’re embarking on an adventure with friends or simply need a helping hand in a far-off land, teleporting someone to you in Minecraft can be an incredibly valuable skill. Let’s delve into the various ways to make this teleportation magic happen.

Using Commands

Execute Command

The execute command provides a powerful way to teleport entities, including players, in Minecraft. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the chat window by pressing the “T” key.
  2. Type the following command, replacing “player_name” with the name of the player you want to teleport:
  3. execute as player_name run teleport @s ~ ~ ~

This command will instantly teleport the player to your current location.

Using the Target Selector

The target selector allows you to specify the entity you wish to teleport based on various criteria. Here’s how to use it:

  1. Type the following command, replacing “target_selector” with the criteria for selecting the player (e.g., “@a”):
  2. execute target_selector run teleport @s ~ ~ ~

For instance, “@a” will target all players in the world, while “@p” will target the nearest player.

Using Mods

If you’re comfortable with modding Minecraft, there are several mods that offer teleportation capabilities:


This mod allows players to craft Ender Pearls that can be used to teleport to any location they have visited before.

TF2 Teleporters

Inspired by the popular Team Fortress 2 game, this mod introduces teleporters that players can create and link to different locations.


Waystones allows players to create fast travel points around the world. Once a waystone is activated, players can teleport to it from any other waystone.

Additional Tips

  • Use coordinates: When using the execute command, you can specify the coordinates of the destination location instead of “~ ~ ~”.
  • Be cautious with permissions: Ensure that you have the appropriate permissions to teleport other players.
  • Consider using a portal: Building a Nether portal can provide a quick and easy way to travel long distances, especially if you want to bring multiple players with you.


Q: Can I teleport players to me if they are in a different dimension?

A: Yes, using the execute command, you can specify the dimension of the target player using the “dimension” parameter.

Q: Is there a way to teleport items to me?

A: Yes, you can use the “/give” command to give yourself any item, regardless of your location.


Mastering the art of teleportation in Minecraft opens up endless possibilities for exploration, collaboration, and adventure. Whether you prefer using commands, mods, or other creative methods, remember to prioritize safety and permissions. Teleporting can be a powerful tool, so use it wisely and enjoy the convenience of bringing your friends and resources to your aid in an instant.

Are you ready to embark on your teleportation journey in Minecraft? Let us know if you have any further questions or if you’d like to share your own teleportation tips.

How to Use Pinterest for Beginners | PCMag

How to TP someone to you in Minecraft - Quora

Minecraft Teleport Command Tutorial (/tp command, basic and full command) – YouTube 3. In your world, click on the chat icon from the top of your display. 4. Once it opens, type ” /tp username (x) (y) (z),” where x, y, and z will be the coordinates where you want the command block to teleport players. Tap on the “send message” button to teleport to your desired coordinates.